Tag Archives: pocket door system

Using the GEZE Rollan sliding door gear within an opening instead of a pocket door kit, such as the Hideaway or iMpero (building a homemade ‘pocket’ of your own design). Is there a reason why this wouldn’t work?

The GEZE Rollan sliding door gear can be used inside your own stud work to form a pocket door system – quite a lot of people do this in our experience.  The only disadvantage might be that in order to get a … Continue reading

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I’m looking to divide up two rooms in my house. At the moment I have an opening in a studded partition wall 1375mm wide by 2055mm high. My question relates to the Hideaway pocket door system; is it possible to retro fit the system to a wall which is already completed or can it only be fitted to a frame specially built to suit the system?

It is possible to retro fit a Hideaway kit by opening the stud walling on one side only, but how much work this will be will depend on what you find inside the wall in terms of the structure already … Continue reading

Posted in pocket doors, sliding door gear | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on I’m looking to divide up two rooms in my house. At the moment I have an opening in a studded partition wall 1375mm wide by 2055mm high. My question relates to the Hideaway pocket door system; is it possible to retro fit the system to a wall which is already completed or can it only be fitted to a frame specially built to suit the system?